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Belridge SESC

Dear Parents

Welcome to Belridge SC Canteen,

Belridge students and staff have their canteen and lunches supplied by a local company – Canteen Kings. The canteen has an extensive menu, catering for all dietary requirements.

Orders: Parents can place an order via Flexischools before 8.55am daily or students can order directly through the canteen, with staff assistance if required .

We are always looking for new Canteen volunteers, so if there are any mums, dads, grandparents or kind friends who would like to volunteer for the Canteen Roster, please phone the Canteen to arrange a suitable date (hours required are 10.30am – 2.00pm). The Canteen staff look forward to meeting you.

Thank you

Sharlene Bayne
Canteen Manager

Canteen Menu & Order

For any issues with your Flexischools account, please contact Belridge Canteen directly on 0467 941 213 or by email 

Please be aware that prices may be subject to change, as to those detailed on the menu.