As the Principal of Belridge Secondary Education Support Centre, I am confident that when you choose our school based on the needs of your child, that you will find the committed staff, quality programs and the friendly atmosphere second to none.
Our well organised and structured transition program has been extremely successful and rewarding for students entering Year 7 and our survey data reflects this success with reduced anxiety for both students and their parents. Conversely our transition to life ‘Beyond School’ involves comprehensive planning with parents, community agencies, advocates and individual students as we prepare them for life beyond school.
Students participate in a variety of Vocational Education Training Courses, Workplace Learning and other accredited programs and courses providing them with the opportunity to maximise their individual potential whilst preparing them for this transition and journey into adulthood.The transition to a Secondary Environment can be an overwhelming experience for families, particularly for students with diverse and special needs.

Belridge Secondary Education Support Centre offers the highest quality educational environment for your child with an extensive range of programs and opportunities that are implemented to benefit and support the individual needs of your child.

Alongside the dedicated and compassionate staff here at Belridge Secondary Education Support Centre, I am committed to placing the needs of our students first as I believe that our exceptional students should be provided with amazing opportunities and deserve the very best in all aspects of their education and personal development.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school on 94088050 or alternatively send an email to if you would like to discuss how we can best meet the needs of your child. My administration team and I are also more than happy to discuss any concerns or queries that you may have and give you a guided tour of our school and we look forward to meeting you.
Jenine Wall