In Year 10 students are introduced to SWL by participating in a work experience placement one day a week for part of Term 3. This is a supported program that provides a smooth transition to Year 11 SWL. Year 10 classes spend their first semester preparing for this program through Community Access excursions and specific course work to develop basic Employability Skills.
Senior School Students at Belridge Secondary ESC participate in Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) programs. Our school has excellent community connections and we currently work alongside various local businesses to provide work and training opportunities which cater for our student’s individual needs and assist in their transition to independence and life after school.
Year 10 Program
In Year 10 students are introduced to SWL by participating in a work experience placement one day a week for part of Term 3. This is a supported program that provides a smooth transition to Year 11 SWL. Year 10 classes spend their first semester preparing for this program through Community Access excursions and specific course work to develop basic Employability Skills.
Year 11 Program
Year 11 students attend workplace learning one day per week assisted by an Education Assistant. Students generally work in pairs at a workplace that is allocated in consultation with the class teacher and VET Coordinator. Individual student ability and interests as well as workplace availability are considerations for the placement. All Year 11 students maintain a SWL logbook of the ADWPL endorsed course with WACE accreditation. Students need to log a minimum of 55 hours’ work experience and complete 10 questions from the skills journal to achieve one unit with WACE. Students who are not able to complete all aspects gain a participation acknowledgement.
Year 12 Program
In Year 12, the SWL program increase to two days of work experience per week. Again, individual student ability and interests as well as workplace availability are considerations for the placement.
Students begin the year supported by an Education Assistant and may become independent as their competence and abilities allow. This may involve independent travel to the workplace and occasional visits from staff. Regular contact is made with the employer during the term.
In second semester, as part of the Transition to Beyond School, Year 12 students will be able to access work trials as they become available. This will be through local agencies and employers who are willing to offer these opportunities.
ASDAN Workright is also offered as an alternative to the ADWPL WACE program. Students will be placed in consultation with class teachers and the VET Coordinator.